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AGM SCC 13th November 2023



Phil Pickard

Charlie Brown

Dan Pickard

Will Whitehead

Malcolm Flitt

Peter Meadows

Jack Lamb



Steve Watkins

Jude Houghton

Martin Fisher

Miles Scerri

James Harrington

Colin Harrison

Tim Laker

Louise Laker

Mike Ballard

Chris Winter

Andrew Garrood

Matt Laker

Matthew Warwick

Jason Clarke

Sarah Wroe

Guy Mckilligin

Laurence Nash

Carly Osbourn

Rin Tomsett

Ben Phillips

Mark Haggart

Paul Glynne

Iain Fudge

Mathew Wroe


 Previous AGM minutes accepted as a true record.


Steve referenced his summary from the year, including purchases from this year:

  • We had two large purchases an outdoor mower and a new bowling machine

  • Bowling machine cannot be used outdoors in wet weather, it also needs to be put away with due care and attention.

  • Feedback from the parents is great about the bowling machine


Chris Winter:

Wants recorded that the ECB reflected the effort and progress of the club with us being award Clubmark status.


Jude: Finance Overview

  • This year there was increased spend which included a new artificial wicket, we bought the bowling machine, upgraded Cygnets kit, increased bar spend

  • Jason recognised raising a fantastic amount on sponsorship for the club

  • Proposal for next year is a large financial commitment to bring up the standards of our facility to meet requirements of girls and women and disability players

  • We need to increase our fund-raising efforts to ensure we have enough funds for day to day and to support the clubs projects

  • Steve asked about expenditure.. £1,800 miscellaneous spending. Jude mentioned it encompasses internet and web fees, tournament and club affiliation fees, staff training costs, key cutting

  • Accounts were agreed and Steve thanks Jude for her time and efforts as Treasurer


Election of Officers:

  • Chris Winter is happy to continue as President

  • Hon Vice President: All current HVP to continue. No one new elected

  • Chairman: Steve Watkins to continue.

  • Vice Chairman: Martin Fisher continues

  • Treasurer: Jude Houghton continues

  • Secretary: James Harrington to continue

  • Club Welfare officer: Matthew Warwick continues

  • 1st XI Captain: Miles Scerri continues

  • 1st XI Vice Captain: Steven Livermoore continues

  • 2nd XI Captain: Tim Laker is elected.

  • 2nd XI VC: Laurence Nash continues

  • Slam XI: Guy Mckilligin elected.

  • Groundsman: Colin Harrison continues

  • Assistant Groundsman: Jason Clarke continues

  • League Rep: Malcolm Flitt continues

  • Cygnets Rep: Ben Phillips continues



Update on costs:

  • Rent went up 25% last year, insurance is up to £1,200, match balls have increased in price and we will be taking over payment for electricity to the club. We forecast that costs will increase for 2024. We need a new electricity provider from January 2024 onwards.

  • We also have the huge renovation project we need to plan for with an estimated cost circa £110k

  • New mower is £7,000.

  • Colin predicts new ground costs to level ends of the wicket at circa £2,500


Membership fees:

Martin talked about how the club has to adapt its membership fees according to the needs of the club. As we face increased costs for the next season and factor the refurbishment project we have to increase costs for all playing and social members.

As always, anyone facing hardship issues should feel reassured to speak with the club in confidence to discuss how the club may be able to support them in reduced fees.


Agreed fees:

  • Adult yearly membership: £50 pa

  • Match Fees: £10 no tea or £12.50 with tea

  • T20 match fee: £5 per match

  • Social membership: £25

  • Junior yearly membership: £70/£100/£130 for 1/2/3 kids

  • Juniors (u18) match fees for snr cricket: £5 per match £7.50 if tea

  • Sunday: £10 per adult and £5 u18 with an additional £2.50 if teas


Any other business:

  • Ben P: Raising the summer camp. We need someone to run the camp, it brings in £1,500 but Ben has commitments this summer and isn’t available. Jason and Laurence have offered to help

  • League AGM on 23rd November, next Thursday. James to go.

  • Tim mentioned training: he posed the question if we want a more structured training session

  • Chris Winter asked about training sessions at the Leisure centre. Martin explained that they had offered a new Friday night session instead of the usual Sunday session.

  • Ben: wondered if Graham could do 5-6 paid session with kids AND Thursday adult session

  • Vacancy: Communications officer who can update all content for the website and email the member base

  • Social media: Carly is confirmed as the new social media officer

  • Clubhouse redevelopment update from Jude: Jude has talked in principal with the Parish Council and designs have been sent to the ECB for their comments on the design. The current cost estimate is £110k. We would be looking to fund through an ECB loan of £50k. We currently have 40k in the business account and we could take 20k out to contribute. We would seek to gain funding from the Parish Council and from other parties through funding applications.  We would need to raise £10k per year for the next 5 years to pay the loan back. Once the Parish Council approve we need to then go to the Horsham District Council for approval. October 2024 would be the ideal commencement date for work.

  • Jude mentioned we need buy-in from the membership to proceed.

  • Steve asks:

    • Do we as the club agree to proceed?

    • Matt Laker asked if we can send the proposed plan around on email for all members to view.

    • The lease is only up to 2035 so we need to get confirmation from the Parish Council that they are willing to extend the lease

  • Dan P: raised a question if there could be a socials person to coordinate social events. We all agree without someone volunteering it’s a hard task to coordinate events.

  • Summer community cup: we need an organiser who can manage this

  • Fundraising officer: we need to recruit

  • T10 Sunday competition: Guy proposes as a fundraising idea a 4 team Sunday competition

  • Andrew G raised the question if members need to rally behind the club to support planning applications to local authorities. Steve mentioned it would be helpful at the appropriate time

  • Iain Fudge is an electrical project manager and has offered his help to the project.

  • Ben P wishes to thank Jude for her contribution to bringing the renovation project to fruition and to the current phase.

  • Steve also thanks Jude on the record on behalf of the club. We will also need more volunteers on this project moving forwards.

  • Guy, can we open better communication channels across the adults and development teams

  • Rin asked if we can organise some more competitive Sunday friendlies

  • Miles will arrange pre season games

  • Colin mentioned we may need to pay £2,500 for grounds works at the end of next season

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